Title: Bond: Hijo del Espíritu - Poción del Heredero 1/?
Author: Animealam
Rating: Hard R
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Warnings: Violence, Rape, Torture, Chan, Child Abuse, Hermaphrodite Harry, AU 6th year, Post GoF, Pre OotP
Disclaimer: Nope, doesn’t belong to me. I only play with them a bit.
Summary: Voldemort captures Harry during a Hogsmeade weekend, but his intentions are no longer to kill him. His ranks are much smaller than he wished them to be so now he is working on a way to acquire more servants. A long term way. He demands children of his followers, and Severus has been the only one not to comply. He will make him comply, no one denies ANYTHING to Lord Voldemort.
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