Another day of adding to the plot bunnies

Oct 19, 2004 22:56

Today after I left Aurora, I really had no plan but to come back home and try to work on chapter 9 of Apprentice. Instead I ended going to Los Bisquets again and spent the whole afternoon until 9 PM (I never stay that long) writing more to the Untitled 001 (Harry's Child) plot bunny. I really could not stop, ended writing more than fourteen pages (handwritten). I did not take the TabletPC so I have to either scan them or type them. *sigh*

I really shouldn't be spending so long on continuing the plot bunnies, but it seems the muses just won't let me work on updating what I already have posted.

Well that's all for today. The muses are calling me to go on with what I wrote today.

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