Twilight New Trailer and Update

Oct 05, 2008 01:48

 Hello boys and girls~

Been a while since my last update, huh? University is going fine.... i'm behind in some of my studies though >_< i'm gonna concentrate hard for the next two weeks cuz i have mid terms.

How r my classes? Jap is easy.... Psych's a joke.... Linguistics is hardcore... and english is english.... ur typical english class.

How's res life? Somewhat well... what i'm getting pissed off about is...

when i have guests over in my and my roommate's room, they have no respect for MY stuff. Not even my roommate's stuff. They're always touching my stuff... re-arranging my things.... that's just pissing the shit out of me. I try to keep my area clean, but it's getting hard. What i find annoying is how some ppl can be such leechers... like i understand that they're on a tight budget or whatever, meaning they can't spend a lot on things they don't need... but if a person has something that obviously u can't buy due to expenses.... what makes u think that that person doesn't mind you taking their stuff? Obviously, if it's expensive for you, then it's expensive for the person right? So i bought mini toblerones and lindor..... expensive chocolate. The point of the mini toblerone is so that i can snack a small snack and savour it. It's basically there when i want a small sweet candy. But no..... i give some to some friends... and they just totally pig out on it. Then i hide it, then another friend invades my room, asking me for a toblerone, i gave her one... then she throws her rapper in my garbage and sees the rappers my other friend threw which were A LOT! And so the friend that came in was like, "DUDE!! IF SHE CAN HAVE THAT MANY WHY CAN'T I?!?!?!" Well becuz they're fucking expensive and i wasn't aware she ate that much when i was in the washroom? Like honestly, fine.... u can have one or two... but i wanted to fucking savour those chocolates.... and honestly... fine... maybe my dad does have a higher salary than them... but that doesn't mean that i'm just spending his money as i please. Note the keyword SAVOUR! Meaning i planned for the chocolates to last me for at least a month or 2 weeks... not 3 days only!

The friend that came in my room really pisses me off at times. She goes through my food drawers... trying to eat all my snacks. GET YOUR OWN FUCKING SNACKS! THEY'RE MINE! Excuse me for being possessive with my food... number 1... it's MY food... meaning MY money... giving food away for free is just like throwing your money away.... number 2.... GET YOUR OWN FUCKING FOOD!!!....

Like i honestly can't understand this..... if u can't buy let's say... belgium chocolate cuz it's expensive and u don't need it..... why the FUCK would you pig out on it when someone else has it?! Becuz it's free? THEN YOU'RE A FUCKING LEECHER AND FREELOADER!! Honestly, the person buys it to SAVOUR the chocolates... whoever eats expensive chocolate and finishes it in 3 days is just a freakin rich glutton. If it was so expensive, wouldn't  you try to make it last as long as possible? i honestly want her to pay me back.... she leeches off of everything i buy that's food. I go to loblaws with her and i'm getting chicken wings.  I ask her if she's getting any and she's like, "no, i can't afford it" and then later when i'm eating, "can i have one~?" i gave her one, then after, "can i have another~?" GEEZ GET YOUR OWN!!!

Gahhh it's just that ONE girl who's making me pissed off... goes through my stuff, just earlier she went through my drawer (forgive me if the post is repetitive) she rearranged my stuff too! LIKE WTH!!! DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!!!! I had a book on my night stand by my bed and she's putting it back on the shelf and i'm like, "no! don't do that! i read that at night and i keep it there for easy reach" and she ignores me and STILL puts it back! I dunno, i think she got the message that i was getting slightly pissed becuz last night there was a little wii party going on in my room and i kickd all of them out at 12am cuz i said i was tired. Then my friend asked me what time i slept and i said 2am and she' slike, "no... u kicked us out at like.... 12" and i'm like, "well that's cuz it wasn't my room anymore becuz everyone was rearranging and touching my stuff." It honestly got to the point where i hung out in another friend's room cuz it was so crouded and they were using MY chair to rest the TV on.... like honestly.... MY FUCKING THINGS!!! USE SOMEONE ELSE'S!!! I'm just getting pissed off that ppl don't have any respect for my property. GOD! I think i need to chill from my uni friends and go somewhere by myself. 
But my roommate's fine, she hasn't pissed me off at all and she asks permission if she can have ppl over and i tell her yes but make sure they don't touch my things. She actually does it, so we basically have a nice level of respect for each other.

Anyways, earlier i posted this widget thingy on my lj. It's gonna be the new trailer for Twilight, if you watch it on the widget, you get to watch it an hour BEFORE it actually premieres. So i thought "why not?" lol. The trailer will premiere on Oct 9, i can't wait to see what scenes we'll see next.
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