Apr 07, 2008 03:01
It feels fine - It hurts but not so much that I want to make a big deal out of it.
No I’m ok - I’m most likely ok or at least not suffering more then one problem today.
I’m fine - I’m feeling a little depressed but not more than normal.
I’m feeling pretty good - I’m not depressed and I’m pretty much pain free.
I cleaned my room - I’ve been pretty depressed for the past few days but I’m feeling better now.
Naa, that’s ok - I would like to get my way but I’m not going to make an issue out of it, I don’t like to whine about stuff. (It normally means that I don’t want to disappoint someone else to get my way.)
No, I’m sure - That would be cool but I’m afraid to put someone else out, so no thanks.
If you’re sure - Thank You for letting me have my way, it means a lot to me.
If I’m limping a little - My back hurts but I don’t want anyone to know.
If I’m limping - (Baring a ankle problem) My back hurts a lot and I couldn’t walk or get out of bed when I got up and I don’t want anyone to know.
If I’m little grumpy and groggy after getting up - I didn’t sleep due to arm pain, neck pain, back pain or all thee above.
I didn’t sleep to well due to (Insert issue here) - Yeah, it most likely it was bothering me, but I’m not going to make a major issue about of it.
I didn’t sleep well - I was depressed and could turn my brain off long enough to sleep, I normally get to the point of can’t help but fall asleep.
I was up later then I planed - Something was bothering me and I didn’t want to face the next day.
If I’m making a big deal out of something - I’m probably trying not to cry and (insert issue here) really hurts badly, please help me.
I think I should go to the Dr. - Yes I should, please help me.
((laugh)) Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend - I’m lonely
Man… I wish I had a girlfriend - I’m really lonely today and it’s depressing me.
Oh, cool, did you bring me some? No, that’s ok - I would have liked some, sorry, but I feel left out.*
Well this is all I can think of right now, plus I don’t want to over do it with my arm. This is meant to be funny, though there is some truth behind it. And… I feel fine.
*(I have issues from childhood about being left out. When I was 7 my mom and I lived with my aunt Karen, and her family. They went to Disney Land and my mom and I stayed home. It was a family thing but a 7 year old doesn’t understand that, they just know that all the other kids in the house got to go and they didn’t.)