Sep 22, 2012 02:03
Just got back from round two of Buckeye Games Fest - this time with more working in the library! It was a blast, and then we played much Dixit. Which is SUCH a good game. And then I worked out Werewolf probabilities. But seriously. Gamer kids are the best kids ever. They might be even better than Mennonite kids. And much easier for me to someday acquire. The game library was slow, but it meant I got to talk to every single person. Goooood times.
And then it rained! Huzzah! Well, problematic for our prototype, but I had the Other One bring the car around so it all worked out. But rain! It really is turning autumnal. Appropriate, given the day, I suppose. But then the smell of wet pine trees happened. I love rain.
I also got to laugh out loud at one of the shirts. It was in fancy tengwar-esque writing - in fact, it looked like it was actually tengwar, until you got close enough to read it, whereupon you realized that it said:
"If you can read this, I have your ring"
And, on that note, happy September 22nd!