Late, as usual

Jun 04, 2012 23:46

So, I spent this evening catching up on Game of Thrones. I have not in fact succeeded in this task - I still haven't seen yesterday's episode. But I did see the one before it. And...omg guys. What follows is what are called SPOILERS. Big ole spoilery spoilers. Not even kidding.

So, um. The show seems to be telling us that Tyrion is dead. Now, I know that Tyrion is not dead, and the people I was watching it with got more of a cliffhangery sense off of it, but then, they'd read the books so they knew that Tyrion dying is simply not on the table at this point. But...they pulled out all the stops. The slow-mo collapse. The cradling. The Lannister song over the ending credits. Guys. There's only one reason to change up your end-titles music and that's to make a point and make it hard. And that usually means major character death, or something utterly hilarious (e.g. the Mandy episode of Angel). This was not something hilarious. This was the Battle of Friggin King's Landing and it was AWESOME. But in addition, there was all that build up of him going "well, crap, I'm gonna have to lead the charge", the rousing speech, Shae saying "there's someone I have to say goodbye to." This was intended to be interpreted as a WHAM episode.'s still kind of a wham episode. What it was was an AWESOME episode. With next to no nudity. And only one plotline. Which reminds me, we haven't seen Littlefinger in ages. But oh well.

And... Ser Davos Seaworth! I was just starting to like him! (Who am I kidding, I've loved every word he's said from his first introduction). I am sad that he was killed in a fiery ball that could be seen from space. He was fantastic.

Also, who knew that Grand Maester Pycelle was played by Julian Glover? Not me, that's who!

a song of ice and fire

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