Jun 03, 2012 03:09
Alright folks, the numbers are in.
The big news is that kilts actually edged out goggles at 9 to 8 in a staggering victory for unbifurcated male garments.
In the category of hats, the victory went to Tricornes this year, with 3 sightings. After their strong showing last year, Fezzes only scored a disappointing 1. Top Hats and Pith Helmets each came in with 2, as did Viking Helmets, surprisingly enough. There was also a Bowler hat with a Queen of Diamonds stuck into the brim, and, everyone's perennial favorite, the guy with a stuffed Goofy on his head.
In the category of shirts, third place goes to Firefly with 5, narrowly edging out Mario at 4. Star Wars held its own in second place with 8, and first place went to Doctor Who with a remarkable 12 distinct t-shirts. The Cthulhu mythos and Pokemon were each present with 3.
By contrast, Star Trek only managed to score a disappointing two - although one of those was a fabulous Klingon rendition of the Starbucks logo, complete with Batleths and Absolute Cleavage. For the first time Mythbusters made a showing with two shirts as well. Also multiply represented were Pacman, Ninja Turtles, Thundercats, and Order of the Stick.
Other sightings included Snakes on a Plane, a Hello Kitty version of Avatar, Dr. Horrible, Homestar Runner, Supernatural, Futurama, the Simpson's, Family Guy, Trigun, Stargate, Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, Evil Dead, Fallout: New Vegas, Portal, Angry Birds, and our newest contender, Hunger Games.
The Awesome T-Shirt Award goes to either "Rick Grimes for President", Leonardo (the Ninja Turtle) painting the works of, well, Leonardo, or "Firefly in a Jar".
In Costumes the clear champion was two fully decked-out Storm Troopers (technically, one Storm Trooper and one Storm Trooper Sniper). Most Creative goes to the gentleman dressed as the TARDIS; he was just walking around wearing a cardboard police box. It is to be hoped he eventually ran into the fellow dressed as the Fourth Doctor. As is typical, there were also steampunk outfits too varied and manifold to be counted, including a trio with fabulous ray guns.
The Unexpected Celebrity Sighting goes to Wil Wheaton, for wandering about like a comparatively normal person.
The winner for Random Swag goes to Mustache-On-A-Stick for being a Mustache-On-A-Stick.
Lastly, the Award for Increasing the General Level of Awesomeness Just By Existing goes to the gentleman doing the Ensign Pavel Chekhov impression throughout the entirety of his Bridge Combat Simulator run.
star trek,
star wars,
doctor who,