Apr 24, 2011 02:47
The Lord is Risen Indeed!
Um, yeah, so for those of you who were wondering, we totally stayed up until nearly two dying Easter Eggs with Jon & Christin - without even the excuse of having gone to the Easter Vigil. So, we'll be going to our normal mass tomorrow, and not to a Sunrise Service. Ah well, let's me get to be the first one to say Happy Easter here!
I will post pictures of eggs sometime when it's not 2 am. I made a Starry Night egg and Jon made one that's very Jackson Pollock. Also there were jack-o-lanterns, rainbows, thunderstorms, daleks, strawberries, and other suchlike. But I'm ridiculously proud of my van Gogh egg. Just sayin.
But it is time for sleeping. Good night all, and Happy Easter!