PA Residents: Vote for HB1254 - Unchain Dogs

Feb 06, 2010 20:39

Pennsylvania residents, please vote against dog owners' "right" to abuse their dogs by leaving them outside in freezing temps without adequate food and shelter by joining the Coalition to Unchain Pennsylvania Dogs. The coalition seeks to pass HB1254, a bill setting time limits on chaining, and creating better conditions for Pennsylvania's dogs. Sign up today at

Please visit the website at to learn more about dog chaining, the reasons it is cruel to dogs and dangerous to humans, and to find a local area representative.

Meanwhile, Under the heading of News That Makes One Go Postal, Tamara Thayne, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, will be in court on Feb 16 after being charged with unlawful trespassing when she tried to contact owners of two Lily, PA dogs left out in freezing temperatures with no food, water, or adequate shelter (which is required by PA law currently). After getting no response at the house, she gave the two dogs water, food, and straw to insulate their "shelters", both of which had doors so large as to be of no use in keeping in body heat/keeping out windchill. One of the dogs was clearly 15 lbs underweight, with very short, sparse fur. Both dogs shivered continuously.

And for being kind to their dogs, the lazy-ass owners called the police on her. And the police charged her -- BUT did NOT charge the owners with breaking PA law requiring adequate shelter.

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