I suppose I should leave some reading material, since tomorrow evening sees
ratchild13 and I heading into the mountains in pursuit of the elusive Colorado black bear.
The lovely young woman in the cowboy hat is not going bear hunting, nor to my knowledge does she know any bears personally. Her appearance here is purely gratuitous.
So, on to your Labor Day weekend reading:
Why Older People Repeat Stories. Wait, we do? Really?
Euthenasia 101. A sick whale put out of its misery - with TNT. Because everything is better with explosives.
Why Older People Repeat Stories. I hope I'm not this old already.
Hillary Clinton For President? Someone is having some buyer's remorse?
From the "Oh, cool!" section:
Evolution in Action: From Egg-Laying To Live Birth. P.S.: Eat shit and die, Kent Hovind.
Why Older People Repeat Stories. You know, the Old Man does this sometimes.
Utah Newspaper Cutting Staff in Half. Somebody call 911 already!
Actual headline:
Google Butterfingers Slip Jazz Hands Bug into Gmail. Wait, what?
Why Older People Repeat Stories. Have you seen this?
We return you now to your Thursday, already in progress.