They say good fences make good neighbors. But the right curtains (or lack thereof) can make great neighbors.
I see now that the bottom of the new-post thingie here on LJ now has repost buttons for Facebook and Twitter. I know what Facebook is, and I am coming to despise it; but I've not experienced Twitter. I see no real reason to, either, unless there is the chance to gather more True Believers to this blog, to spread the word, wit and wisdom of Animal far and wide. But I confess I know little or nothing about publicizing a blog. How does one go about that, anyway?
I suspect Twitter is not the way to go about it. Reposting my musings, deep thoughts, news and totty on Twitter strikes me as a lot like peeing into a Niagara Falls and waiting for it to turn yellow.
So, any ideas? Any thoughts on how to spread Animal Magnetism, the Word and the Way, far and wide?
On a related note: From time to time I've given thought to starting my own religion. As L. Ron Hubbard has proven, there's no better way to seperate the credulous from their cash, and amass some pretty impressive temporal influence in the doing; further, there comes a point where certain fools and their money (Tom Cruise) deserve to be parted.
Damn my sense of honesty. That's the only thing that's preventing me from doing it. Damn my having to look myself in the eye every morning when I shave.
Well, maybe another day. Stay tuned, True Believers! Ain't no telling what I might decide to do next.