Oct 09, 2009 16:42
Oh.My.God. I had the best walk in the history of ever today.
It's so wet outside it's like being in Singing in the Rain, and so grey you can hardly see any colour. It's also flooding down in L'more and the rain soaked through my coat, my jacket, my socks and up past my knees in terms of jeans.
But it was frickin' awesome.
This is samhain weather come early. I love rainwalking, strangely enough everyone else walking didn't want to be :-D but I had to post off my CM dvds. I hope it rains harddddder tonight, then I will be right beneath it when I go to sleep since slantyroof is inches from my head.
Ah, I quite like Garcia/Kevin, it's kinda cute in only the way Nicolas Brendon could play it.
You know what tomorrow is?! LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. 3 episodes if I can steal the tv, if not then 1.
Brother arrives tonight. This probably means that I will miss Merlin tomorrow. Pff. Tv-based life FTW.