
Apr 25, 2008 02:45

I have ordered a big load of books, the plupart to which should arrive on the day after my last exam (or before), but hopefully not.

The scraggle is due on the day before my birthday, more troublesome. I may have to get Aine to take them until after troy.

Books are like fanfic to me. Which is why I rarely read books now days. :-p But I won't mind the distraction if it comes after the exams and for when I go home. It's just that when I have books, I tend to cancel plans made with people to hole myself up with them instead. Bad habit.

The book buying is due to an amount of money received today from my dearest brother Mike. I spent it before it was in the bank even, shameful. But after today's dismal exam....well 'nuff said about that one.

kb is gone til tuesday, I'm intrigued to see how next week works out, I mean, it IS my birthday, will she still avoid and ignore me? If so, ah well what can I do. If not, I dunno...

I should really go to bed so I can revise. Pah! Revision is for fools.

Fools who want to pass.



amazon, michael, books, birthday, kb

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