Piglet Wild

Oct 12, 2010 20:48

I took a while to make all my final decisions about which watercolors to order. My mom surprised me by telling me to add $100 of product to my order for my x-mas present. It was pretty fun to go hog-wild after that. Although there's still a lot of stuff on my wish list, so maybe it was more like piglet-wild.

Ok, LJ just updated this and I'm not even a fraction of the way done! Weird. Whatever, I'll keep writing...

Suffice it to say, I ordered a bunch of watercolors and just a few accessories. They were out of stock of the palettes that I wanted, so I'll wait til they come back in. Once I'd submitted the order, I saw that I had accidentally ordered 2 tubes of Sepia, but only need one. So I had to give them a call and they took care of it for me. I had them add a tube of Pthalo Yellow Green instead of the Sepia and they were very friendly about the whole thing.

Ok I'm rambling a bit. The reason I'm really writing this is because I've made a few more paintings in the process of narrowing down my decisions. I did two more triangle compositions to test out blues and greens. The computer handles those colors much better, but I decided to go ahead and edit them similarly to the red and pink composition I did before.

With out further ado, here are the originals:

And the computer aided color adjustments:

And the final product:

I've called these final works, "impossible origami instructions" from the brilliant suggestion made by rotnmusic. The name fits and it's funny.

I like the original watercolors very much, but I'm really jazzed about these altered versions. I think they'd look really neat at poster size, like 4 feet by 5 feet.

in progress, watercolor, art

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