Feeling Jazzed.

Jun 04, 2010 01:17

I don't even like jazz all that much, but I'm feeling pretty jazzed these days. in a good way.

i'm really making progress with the web stuff. granted i'm working on a relatively simple site, with relatively simple coding, but I'm really learning the stuff, and it feels like puzzle pieces snapping together in a really satisfying way. I haven't made a ton of "progress" (whatever that means) with the art lately, but I've been doing some little scribbly shadow drawings in my sketchbook and some are turning out pretty good.

I finished a serene blue and green drawing that I'm considering making a bigger version of.

i see uncharted waters or maybe lichen.

The markers bled through to the back, and partly onto another drawing.

Looks pretty cool!

In other good news, I just received the final confirmation from my cousin from Mexico City that she's coming for a visit on June 18 to July 13th. It's going to be like the summer of foreign visitors up in this joint. There's actually going to be a few days overlap of her visit with my aunt's visit, so that'll be neat. I bet we'll have a big crazy family get together that I will feel sour about the next day because of the CHAOS. but family chaos is ok i guess. at least it's relatively good natured chaos.

I did another marathon mowing session today. this time the riding mower was fixed, praise jebus. it's still a hefty job, but at least it's possible. that push mowing thing is insane for anything but the edges. after mowing i helped my mom to make a little bonfire to burn some brush and other yard debris. it always makes me a little nervous, but we keep a hose running when we do it and make sure it's not to windy, so it was ok.

this summer i really want to eat crabs at least once. last summer i missed out completely and it was sad.

i've started doing a writing challenge on 750words.com. Like you may have guessed, the goal is to write 750 words EVERY DAY for a month. Ideally you write before starting your creative (or other) routine for the day. it's an exercise based on some famous art book that i'm too lazy to look up right now. the idea is that it's a good daily practice to clear the cobwebs and the distractions out before settling into work. it's very different from lj. all writing is completely private and you can write whatever and however you want. there is an option to share certain stats, but you can decide which ones other people can see. i personally share it all. my favorite stat is the "frequently used words word cloud". but hey, i'm a sucker for stats in general.

curious? here's yesterday's stat's page: http://750words.com/entries/stats/146162

it might seem like such a little thing. maybe even a pointless thing. i wasn't really sure if i'd like it at all when i started, but so far i'm really enjoying it. it's been a useful tool in the morning to start my day, adding some much needed structure. plus i find that writing what ever wants to spew forth is just good. i've been feeling happier the past few days. i look forward to writing. sometimes in the middle of the day, i feel the need to write something, and i'll hop on and write more that the 750 words that is the goal. I don't think it'll replace lj for me. here I write about things in a more thoughtful way. i also find lj a useful tool, but i definitely writing for an audience. even when i think i'm not writing for an audience, I am. On 750 words it's different though. sometimes I'll just write down a random word that pops in my head and move on. carrot. see, it would be weird if i did that here. mouse. clickety-clackety.

see? that's too random when writing to an audience. it would be like tourette's in written form. but i can do that on 750words because no one's going to read it. i'm probably not even going to read it again. anyway, this has unintentionally turned into a mini advertisement for 750words.com (go check it out and join today!!!! can't be beat!!! satisfaction guaranteed!!!!!!!), but really I'm just happy with the site. If you think it might be interesting for you to try out, I'd definitely suggest giving it a chance. you might be surprised.

When it was 11:30 tonight I thought, "ok, I'm going to bed". Then another part of me piped up and said, "you really ought to update your art blog". and then another part of me chimed in that "oh, you'll have to scan a few images first." and then the snarky part said, "well, might as well write something on LJ while you upload". And now it's almost 1am. Sheesh.

drawing, happy, art, family

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