Fic: Like a puzzle

Oct 09, 2011 00:11

Title: Like a puzzle
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rating: PG
Summary: A look into Rose and the Doctor's thoughts throughout 'Rose'.

A/N: For the rewatch over at Then_There's_Us. Except I'm doing an extended one which will go through until 'The Wedding of River Song' so yes, there will be spoilers. Some might be long, some might be short but hopefully they'll all be interesting.

He tried this time, really he did. After the war he promised himself he wouldn’t have anyone travel with him again, it was far too dangerous. And he managed it, no matter where he went there was no-one who was up to the task of being his companion, no distractions. Until he met her.

Why was it always humans? Their lives were so fleeting, so fragile and yet they showed so much bravery or was it stupidity? Stupidly brave that was it. He never meant to get attached but he had the strangest feeling that the universe was conspiring against him again, forcing, no not forcing, more like nudging him into several meetings with her. It was like they were magnets, drawn to one another.

He didn’t want this again; to travel with him was a death sentence. Danger followed him like a loyal pet, an unwanted pet. Rose had known him for only a few hours and already she’d come close to death. Her job exploding, the plastic arm, the replica of her boyfriend, yeah alright so the first one was partially his fault but the others were just Rose being in the right place at the entirely wrong time. Who else could make someone’s flat a dangerous place? He knew he was falling fast for this human, despite the age gap between them, despite being different species, despite the problem of her family.

And he gave in. The temptation was too strong. Rose was everything he wasn’t. She was kind, thoughtful; there was a natural selflessness about her actions that made her seem more than just another human. And yet, underneath there was a current of selfishness, he could see it just under the surface, tempered by her gentle nature but still there. She was so human and so brilliant. So fantastic
Another morning on the estate, another day of being surrounded by annoying customers. She could do more than this, she should have done more. She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life working in a shop and living with her mum. Her mum. She was needed here and she couldn’t escape it.

But then he turned up, not so much a shining knight as a battered reluctant hero but still. He was the spark that she needed, he challenged her, frightened her, even scared her a little but she wouldn’t show it to him. She would give everything she had and could only hope it was enough.

But for all his talk about being above humans, for all his actions. He’s such a bloke, doesn’t notice the bloody obvious until she points it out and then doesn’t thank her. She gets these glimpses into the real him, under that leather, his body armour, he acts all tough but that’s all it is. An act.

So she follows him, would follow him anywhere. She’s his plus-one, his hand to hold. She wouldn’t have it any other way

through the heart of the universe, doctor who, fic

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