Title: Faith
Rating: PG
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, mentions Amy and Rory
Word count: 136
Summary: Set at the end of 'The God Complex'. Exploring the companion's faith in the Doctor.
It was always the same wasn't it? The faith in him that they all had. That blind faith. And it always destroyed them. So many of his friends had trusted him to save them or to save the people they loved and then he let them down. For no good reason, he refused or made another empty promise and why? Amy and Rory, he'd put them through too much and yet Amy still believed in him, still trusted him. He made a promise to find their daughter and bring her back and he failed. He promised Rory he'd keep Amy safe and again he failed. That's what he always did; he let his friends down, but even though being around him made them lose faith in some things, they never ever lost their faith in him.