Happy Valentine's Day! Yes, it's a bogus holiday. Yes, it's all commercial and depressing (esp. at this time of year) and so on. But there is still fun to be had. Should you be on your own today, remember: learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all (see also
Come As You Are ;). *ducking*
And platonically, at the very least, I love you. I've been saying that a lot these days, but it's important, dammit, because we're all in need of more loving, and what's more, I mean it. *squishyhug*
I think I'm going to make cookies or cake tonight, but we don't have anything major planned, which is probably for the best, given the weather. We did up cards last night for the kids at preschool -- that was fun. I have a stash of Muppets and Animaniacs ones, so the bunny chose the latter and some Dora ones for her classmates. She's soooooo excited. And dressed all in pink. Hee!
Yay, SNOW! I'd do a Snoopy dance, except I got a snow-soaker this morning and I'm a tad damp, still. Holy drifts, eh? *waves to Hamiltonians and their expected 70cm* No snow day for us, but there might as well be -- the office is fairly quiet compared to a normal day, and many people are working from home. Not me, but that's fine. Everything was glittering last night, it was totally gorgeous. I'm all rosy-cheeked and cherry lip-balmed and life is GOOD. Gonna have chicken noodle soup for lunch!
The Genies were on last night? Since when do they do that on a Tuesday? Weird. Dear Roy Dupuis: I love facial hair... but not on you. You look much better
without it.
I'm going to post fic today. Yes, I am. *determined*
But now, for your viewing pleasure (because when I typed "dazzled" and "loved" I thought of Bedazzled and Pete and Dud) here are
Drimble Wedge and the Vegetations! (This is not a reflection on you, or me. Pete and Dud are LOVE, that's all. BTW, if anyone knows of Pete/Dud fic, I am SO THERE.)