
Jan 12, 2024 09:12

Happy New Year!

Today is supposed to be low of -16F. I don't think we even saw -1 last winter. Wood stove is going full blast.

I got buried in work as soon as the holidays were done. To add to that, Husband and Kid caught the same crud I had. Husband has the free VA healthcare, so he was the only one that bothered to go down to the clinic. They told him it was the flu. I think it might have been Covid since he lost his sense of taste and smell for a while. It is a good thing that I work from home and we have a full pantry. We stayed home and I did all the cooking because you really do not want somebody that can't taste and smell cook meals!

Everybody is feeling better now, and we did our first grocery run in a couple of weeks yesterday. Kid should be back to work next week. I wrapped up the third and probably last book illustration project. The publisher is doing a series of dozen learn to read books but they want to mix up the art styles so the project is being divided among different artists.

This weekend will be another song animatic, and catching up on mountains of laundry.

Suzy Q, the indoor cat, going for a walk with a coat. She is only allowed out with a leash.

Suzy is going on 13 this spring. It seems like just yesterday that Kid picked her up outside a Safeway and refused to part with the little kitten.
(Longer version of the story: A little girl and her mom were standing outside the market with a "free kittens!" sign and a shopping cart full of kittens. I went into the market with the grocery list and got started shopping while Husband and Kid cooed over kittens. Husband caught up with me after a while, and I realized Kid was not with him. Husband said, "We picked out a kitten and Kid is holding her while we get groceries. :D"
We already had 3 cats at the time. Kid was in elementary school and still shorter than me! When I went outside Kid was holding this little kitten and acting like besties with the little girl. Kid holds up the kitten with a huge smile and says, "This is my new kitten!!!" I am SO not the craziest cat person in this family.)

Baby Suzy. She was a suspicious grump from day 1.

Coffee is done brewing. Time to grab a mug and get started with the day's work.

Today's agenda: a spotted egg, stacked rocks, and SPACE!

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