Well, at least according to a jury in California a couple of years ago (don't even remember this story for some reason; seems a big deal). Now Sony has to pay over $90 million because someone in R&D ripped a rumble design from a no-name company.
Whoops. Now the PS3 is going to cost about $500 to make up the cost. Bleah X-P
http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/03/28/news_6121137.html What I did on my Spring Break:
Shere and I finished all 52 Fushigi Yugi TV episodes. Starting to like Blockbuster Online more and more.
Beat GC Paper Mario. Just gotta get my hands on the GBA Mario & Luigi and beat it to hit for the Mario RPG cycle.
Got the minimum amount of chores and homework done that made me feel semi-accomplished.
Watched a LOT of basketball and saw two of my picked Final Four teams make it (Illinois and NC). Eh, two out of four, not bad.
Six weeks to go for the semester. Then a job. Tuition, books, new laptop in that order. That's the plan and I hope it works.