Taking a break...with LJ

Nov 27, 2006 23:46

Dear Belisa,

Although I have to write 8 papers (not as bad as it sounds) and do various other homework, I thought it might do my mind some good to just relax before I start spazzing out tomorrow and start the 9 day process of killing myself with stress.

Things are mostly well here and I'm getting along fine in my classes. So much so that I'm thinking of changing into a different college (Natural Resources) and even changing my major. However now is not the time for such drastic changes and really I should just finish the semester before I start making hasty decisions.

My friends are...stressed. Yeah you know what I'm gonna leave it at that for now. ^_^

My family...well that has been going pretty good lately. I went to Texas this past weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday. To my surprise it was mostly mellow. There was good food, good talk, minimal drama, and even more shocking my parents trusted me enough to tell me some more things about their lives. I actually rested and got some work done so all in all it was quite an enjoyable and much needed weekend.

I'm having a good year ::knocks on wood:: and I hope that it ends that way.

I hope everyone that I love, everyone that I dislike and even the people I hate, end the year well and growing up just that little bit wiser. Life is really too short to learn anything completely other than the experience of death, right?


busy bee

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