Halloween Ha Ha and Horrors

Nov 01, 2006 13:47

Dear Belisa,


Yesterday Rebecca, Heather, Aaron, Evan, Robin and I went out to celebrate Halloween at Castro, SF! It was a bohemia of sound and people (mostly people) and for the majority of the time we walked around a lot.

It all started a few weeks ago when, for a reason I can't remember now, some of the girls were talking to Aaron and asking if he'd dress up like a girl specifically a ho or prostitute. I volunteered to dress up as a pimp to complement the act and thus we shook hands on the deal to do so for Halloween. Along the way we all decided to go to the Castro, District just because it's where one of the biggest costume parties in SF happens during Halloween.

- r_y_l_l  dressed up as a gothic looking vampire hunter (?), ok so I'm not sure, but she reminded me of Vampire Hunter D. :)
-Heather dressed up as a cowgirl and me being the shounen-ai/yaoi fangirl that I am, thought immediately about Brokeback Mountain. Fu fu fu fu.
-Evan and his girlfriend Robin went as an Electron and Positron (pretty much wore shirts stating this and tin foil hats). :D
-Aaron dressed up as a "classy ho" wearing a blue dress, makeup, etc. The dress belonged to
greystrata  and fit him better than I thought. In some of the pictures he looked like a girl! Damn him! Lol.
-Me, well, I was going for pimp, but I came out as more of a "shady" mob boss (when I wasn't laughing my butt off). Apparently my costume was so good that at first glance my housemates couldn't recognize me and some people at Castro thought I was a dude. Hurray, success! (I think -_-) Kekekeke.

The night was fairly entertaining and I took lots of pictures of people with costumes. I had fun for the most part, but I think next year (if I have a chance to go) I'd like to start the night earlier.

Oh two last funny things to mention, I got gropped once by some drunk girl (at least I hope she was) right on the crotch. O_o I've been gropped by girls before, but never in the crotch! Oh well, MaiMai told me that I should take it as a compliment and for the sake of my sanity, I will. Hehehehe.

The other thing I wanted to say was that apparently you can't bring sharp objects with you inside so me and Beck decided to store our respective "weapons" (me an umbrella and her's a wooden sword) behind some bushes near a church. When we came back, the sword was still there, but my umbrella was gone! Grrrr, I hope whoever jacked it gets hit in the face with it! On the bright side the goofball thief left a sceptor there that later on that night Heather got offered money for. So all's well that end's well right?

Well that's all I guess. Halloween is and always will be a memorable holiday for me. :D


trip, holidays

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