Mar 06, 2006 16:27
Dear Belisa,
Ever since I've gotten to this school one of the more interesting pieces of advice has been, "Go to office hours!". My initial response to this was nothing short of a barrage of chicken crap excuses to not follow it. However there are a few and rare moments where I have given in, for whatever the academic related reason, and have set off for that place where GSIs and Professors live for a few hours a week. Sometimes the results rock and I understand something a little better. Sometimes it really stinks and I'm left more confused and vowing never to visit that person again. Then there's those rare moments when this faculty member or figure of authority proves to be really cool and a person I can connect with. Professor JK is definitely door number 3.
Over the course of the year that I've gotten to know her, she's gone from being a whimsical and laid back professor to a wise and caring mentor. Today she surprised me by revealing that my feeling of respect was mutual. This whole time I had thought that my constant presence around her had been annoying because well...I can be annoying sometimes, but instead it seems that my visits are far from that. Her words were very kind and it was interesting to realize that where I feel ghetto she sees potential. I even told her about a couple of things that I had been keeping in. She's been where I am now so I think that's why she was able to take them in stride and give me advice on the matters at hand. Even though at the end of the semester I'm going to advance beyond her class, I'm still going to occasionally check in with Prof. JK. She isn't always going to be my prof., but I'd always like her to be a mentor. ^_^
Things are ok for now and at least this morning's doom and gloom mood has been lifted. I'm lucky to have some good people and good friends in my life. Well till next time.
P.S. My roommates are the coolest, these bizatches make me laugh when I'm feeling crappy. :)