...and what I want I GOT!!!

Oct 08, 2009 09:09

I wanted to be in a better mood yesterday, and so once Kris got home, we went to Wal Mart and to Olive Garden, and my mood improved a LOT!! *grin*

I actually even got a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP last night!! OMG! *faint*

Kris is such a trooper. He puts up with me, my weird moods and twitchiness. He's a saint. I swear. He never gets mad or annoyed (well, if he does get annoyed, he doesn't let me see it) with me when I get all weird and spastic. I am one lucky chica! :)

So, we got a splitter for the USB port, so that I no longer have to perform circus acts to plug my camera in (I have a sales post to make, so I want to make sure I am able to do so, I have some cute stuff coming!!).

We watched some TV, and I was going to just go to sleep when he turned on the Countdown with Keith Olberman, but then he did a segment on healthcare, and reform, and it was powerful. It made me cry.

I am not a political genius, and I know I don't understand a lot of the technical side of things, but I do know that healthcare HAS GOT TO CHANGE. I am one of those people who can't go to the Dr. because of cost. I have no insurance, and even if I did, they would consider many of my issues to be "pre-existing", therefore having to pay out of pocket for meds that keep me alive. One of the medicines that I NEED to keep myself alive and healthy costs over $250 per refill. EVEN IF I HAD A JOB I COULDN'T AFFORD THAT, and that's just the cost of ONE medicine. I don't have all the answers on the issue, I just know that it can't stay the way it is. :( :(

Someone said on a facebook thread that "All these people who are complaining should just GET A JOB..." Really? That's the answer? At my last job I brought home 1600 per month. My rent was $850, utilities were around $300, car insurance $190... Ok, mr. smartypants, I have a JOB, I still don't see how that's helping me afford healthcare. I am assuming this guy was lucky enough to have good health, and his family had good health.

Then, someone on the same thread slammed the VA, and said that well, the VA is government run and who would want healthcare like that? Uhm, I sure the heck would. My father is a 100% disabled veteran. He and my mother receive all of their healthcare through the VA. They are treated well, have their meds delivered to them on time, and are given every assistance and consideration, without even having to ASK for it.

Ok, I've gone on long enough. :) Hope everyone is having a good day out there. So far so good here with me!! :)

healthcare, life

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