An Awesome Weekend! :)

Sep 14, 2009 08:40

I had the best weekend, and strange enough, it did not involve karaoke! LOL! Though if there had been some thrown in, it would have just been the icing on the cake.

Saturday we (ok, HE) finished up my closet wall so that I could put all my clothes and shoes away! YAY!!!! Then that night we went to a bowling alley that was also supposed to have karaoke. Well, no karaoke, but we did the Glow Bowl thing, and had a great time, and I bowled pretty good, especially for me!!! *faint* We also won three free games of bowling because they had this slot machine thing that would come up when you would bowl a strike, and I ended up winning 2 free games and he won 1. Which was kind of ironic, since I only made a few strikes, and he made a bunch.

On a related note, I've always liked watching guys bowl, because when they bowl RIGHT it really makes their butt look good. Well, Kris is no exception. *grin* I very much appreciated the view. hehehehe

Sunday was opening day for Football. I'm not a big football fan, but I am trying to learn, and had a good time hanging out and watching. The first game we watched (Eagles vs Panthers) was the most interesting to me, because there was a lot of action. By the 2nd game, I was sleepy from drinking, so there was a small nap involved, then the 3rd game was the Bears vs the Packers, and OMG it was so boring to me. It was the kind of game I thought ALL football games were like - just stopping and starting, no big runs and passes and stuff, just go 2 feet and pile up on each other. I did fall asleep for a while, and Kris was ready to go too, so we came home before it was over, and went to bed ! hehe

I did have a good time, and unless something REALLY amazing happened, I know one of my Fantasy teams did really good. I dunno about the other one. I will have to ask Kris to show me where to look!

I start my new job today. I am going to go and get ready in about 15 minutes. I'm supposed to be there at 10:00. Wish me luck. I am really nervous about how this one is going to go!

Again, if I hate it, I can just quit and/or look for something else.

OOOH! Tomorrow is the 15th. Wolverine comes out on DVD and *gasp* we get to order our IPHONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


football, weekend, fantasy football, work

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