I got a job!!!

Sep 09, 2009 10:18

YAY!!! It's not the one I was really excited about, but it's a good job, closer to home than the rest of the ones I've looked into, and I would be learning about a new part of real estate - commerical.

I was actually shocked that they wanted me. I didn't think the lady liked me, but apparently she's just a little quiet. I start on Monday. I figure if I absolutely hate it, I can always quit. They offer benefits, and apparently I only have to work "up to 39 hours per week".

I'm excited. I feel a little, I dunno, unreal about it all! LOL! It wasn't even a job I thought was in the running, but I think I can make it work, and again, if not, there is always the option of leaving, and looking for something else.

I am a little worried about the dress code, but then again, I've been wanting to dress nicer anyway. This would give me that reason! *grin* She hasn't sent it to me yet, but I am betting it's a little more dressy than I am used to...but doesn't that mean I will get to buy new clothes!!??!?!?! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, speaking of new clothes, I did a little bargain shopping yesterday and found where the GOOD Ross is around here! *grin* I got two dresses and a gorgeous wrap top for $30, and then I got a nice denim jacket from Fashion Bug for only $7. WOOP WOOP!!!

Oh yeah, and in other news, I FAINTED AT THE NAIL SALON YESTERDAY!! *facepalm* I got too hot, apparently, and down I went. They called 911, firemen came, I was very embarrassed! I've felt like crap all day and nice, and Kris didn't feel good either. :( I hate it when he doesn't feel good. :( :( :(

job hunt

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