Apr 02, 2009 20:57
On facebook, thanks to some masterful stalking, I may have found a terrible, mostly obscured picture of the guy I had my first kiss with. Omg. He is straight out of loserville, no question. I was just thinking about him too because someone was trying to convince me to make a chart, like the chart on The L Word, of all the relationships and entanglements of people I know, and I had kind of started one. I should keep working on it, but doing so made me realize how little I know about my friends' love lives. I mean, I know stuff, just, I think I've been forgetting a lot too.
I miss everyone; I'm so far away! I made a friend here, though, whose name is Jillian, so that's nice :) I'm hoping I'll get to hang out with her soon. It's like my first real friend! There's also a guy who wants to meet me from online, but I think it would be awkward. I'm deciding. I already met one person from online (my first online meeting!) and she was nice. The long-term potential for that one is still uncertain, though. And I got to see Victory Fund kids the other night, which was cool. So I feel a bit more at home here. I also remembered that Vidhan is supposedly in the area so I'm trying to get in touch with him so we could hang out, which would make my month! I really want to see my NY and Philly friends but I feel like I should find a job before I go out of town and start spending money, so I've been holding off so far. I reallllly want to, though.
I would love to go home for easter weekend (the relevant fact about easter weekend is it is the weekend of Formal Magic). Bahhhh. I wishhhhh I could go.
I don't have that much thrilling news yet. Stephanie and I went to a "progressive singles mixer." It was awkward, as these things are bound to be, but we did talk to a nice boy. Nothing eventful, though. No job yet, I'm still the housewife of the apartment. But Stephanie's off of work now too, so we're both housewives. I'm the real housewife though; I'm the cooker/cleaner/planner/etc. Practice for later in life, that's what I say :) I may have a secret housewifey desire in me somewhere.
I am listening to Say Anything, thanks to Lindsay's helpfully provided links. She is good to me. She is one of my lifelines through this transition. Andddd she reads this now so I have to be nice about her.
(But it's true. She's been awesome.)
Anyways, you people should comment with something exciting in your life so I can live vicariously through you. I'm used to more excitement than this. Soon I'm going to have to start reading my old LJ entries. Those were the drama days.
Love you and miss you all. I'll be a better updaterrrr. For real. Erika, it was good to see all your updates! Lynde, the movie quiz does NOT count. Get on that. I mean, I get that wedding planning is a big deal, but I know you can do this :)