Apr 17, 2007 13:20
OMFG! what the hell is wrong with my SSN!?!?!?!?! I swear to go my mom stole me as a small child and just added on the Brown III at the end, because according to EVERY company out there, my last name is Wesley and I don't have a middle name. I have had to make a bazillion copies of my SSC and ID and fax it to companies just to prove who I am!!!!! UGH!!!!
in other news I am TOTALLY STRESSED.
oh and Jason and I were at our new house chillin in our new jacuzzi (if i spelled it wrong you can blow me, k?) tub drinking mimosas and he sloshed water ALL over my phone, and of course I didn't realize it in time and now my phone beeps. incessantly, and I mean INCESSANTLY. like every 2 seconds. and it does it in these weird patterns like its trying to make music. really irritating.
but i'll be fine once we're moved and i don't have to keep stressing out about packing.
I STILL HAVE ALL As!! woo-hoo