Here and there

Jul 28, 2007 02:44

As I've said, internet use is hit and miss, seems to be better in the wee hours of the morning. Mr. Pup says that some folks today at work who have my interenet company are having the same problems. As are some who have the local cabel internet. Hmm...sounds like something fishy is going on. Ah, well, someone will figure it out. I hope.

I have been thinking about what I could do to tempt Pupson back to reading for a while. He has the same reading tastes I do (ok, for books, cuz slash? Not so much ;-)) And then it just kinda hit me out of the blue. Spider Robinson. I tried to explain Calahan's to him and then just went, piss on it, I'll just get you "Calahan's Crosstime Saloon" and "Time Traveler's, Strictly Cash" and let you have at it. I have no doubt he will love them. Much as I did when amykb handed them to me around 1981 and just said "Read them."

Since that time I have devoured everything Mr. Robinson has penned, starting with an old copy of "Telempath" I found that summer at a yard sale. I haven't gotten a copy of "Variable Star" the book he wrote from an outline that Hienlein did before his death. I'm sure I'll check it out though.

Now I need an icon that says "It's a Hikory Daquari Doc!"

Here's his website, if you're interested:

internet, spider robinson, reading, science fiction

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