Jul 26, 2007 13:19
Just to let y'all know, if I seem to be invisible for the next couple weeks, it's gonna be hit or miss getting online. Found out today it is not the interwebs, it's me computer. Which yeah, I had an idea it might be. So called the nice boy at my internet provider and he said in effect "dude, yer fucked." I've known the poor thing was riddled with viruses and spyware for a while now, I was just sort of doing the "la-la-la, not lisntening..." as I have to take my baby in, be without him for dog knows how long aaaaaaaaaaand pay 45 bucks to have it done. (Doesn't sound like a lot, I know....but we be po' folk) I also have to take time to back up a ton of stuff, such as taking all my naughty boy pics and fic off of here. Don't want the poor fellows at the interweb store to have heart attacks. ;-)
So, I'll try to be on as much as I can, but I'll also be in denial by playing with my WinSims on hubby's computer. Sammy is doing Dean's homework and John is flirting with the Maid. Sim life is good.