Would you like a little cheese with this Whine??

Sep 24, 2013 16:22

Well kids, it was a hellofa year last week. :-/
First----the sheriff came and said "You really should pay the taxes on your house." I've been through this before, so I wasn't going through gibbering terror. But it was stress I didn't need. And the Sheriff, she had to be the nicest law enforcement officer I have ever met. Sweet, helpful and kind ( Read more... )

me, rl

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Comments 8

deborahw37 September 24 2013, 20:56:00 UTC
Oh goodness what a week!

Hope things get improved


a_phoenixdragon September 24 2013, 21:24:42 UTC
Oh honey...what a wreck of a week!! I am so, so sorry...



tabaqui September 24 2013, 21:50:44 UTC
*hugs to you all*


gestaltrose September 24 2013, 22:53:09 UTC
Sorry for your loss, love. *hugs*


tres_mechante September 24 2013, 23:17:59 UTC
Oh, my dear....

My condolences on your loss. *hugs*

I hope Mr. Pup wasn't hurt. Deer can do a lot of damager when hit -- to people as well as vehicles.

Keeping your family near to heart. You'll get through this. *hugs*


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