Would you like a little cheese with this Whine??

Sep 24, 2013 16:22

Well kids, it was a hellofa year last week. :-/
First----the sheriff came and said "You really should pay the taxes on your house." I've been through this before, so I wasn't going through gibbering terror. But it was stress I didn't need. And the Sheriff, she had to be the nicest law enforcement officer I have ever met. Sweet, helpful and kind. Mr. Pup called and got a payment plan set up so it's all good...but that was just the beginning.

The next day Mr. Pup hit a deer with the car that wasn't going to pass inspection next month before the accident. The car runs ok, it's not happy about it, but ok. We have another car waiting in the wings for inspection time, but it also needs some work. With the tax payments and car repair/inspection I see a lot of Ramen in our future.

And then, just so the Universe could give us a final swift kick in the balls...A dear friend lost her fight with ALS on Friday. Kathi was my son's best friends' Mother--Pup Sons' "Other Mother" as I am this boys'. My beautiful, exasperating, loving, not as grown up--and yet more grown up, than they think they are boys, are devastated. And I can't make it right. And my boy comes to my house and sees some of the same accouterments that were at Kathi's---the walker, the wheelchair--and I know it makes him afraid. All I can do is reassure him that the MS won't kill me. Right now though, it's hard for any of us to remember that.

me, rl

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