Sad Pup

Feb 18, 2010 00:34

It's taken me almost a week to write this entry and I still don't really know what to say.
Last Wednesday night my daughter's father, Bill Yeany, had a heart attack and died a short while later. He was 56. He was my friend, a shoulder whenever I needed one, a kick in the ass when I needed that too. He was my daughter's chosen father (long story). He was a friend to my husband (he was in our wedding) and a father figure to my son. 25 years he was in my life and it wasn't long enough damnit. There were times he was a pain in the ass, he'd argue on wether the grass was green and complain if he was hung with a new rope. And I miss him so much I ache.

You can find his obituary here:
His is the top one, William Arthur Yeany Jr.

bill, me, death, life

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