I love...old short gay people?

Feb 03, 2010 21:52

and east coast, night owl bloggers love me :0P

Yes. I am alive.
Yes, it's been a long time since I've updated.
Yes, I have a big ass ol' post to make to catch up, and I will. I kept thinking "When things settle down, I'll make a catch up post." Things? Not so much with the settling down. More with the piling one on top of the other. *sigh*
1. Scheduling of Gallbladder operation.
2. Gallbladder operation called on account of rain Bronchitus, yes with a capitol 'B'
3. Mother in critical condition in hosptial (Mom has COPD). Cannont travel to see her *see no. 2*
1. Gallbladder operation...not so important right now.
2. Bronchitus still with capital 'B' but on the mend. On horse pills that make me offend myself. Chest and ribs feel like they been gone over with gleeful abandon by Spike in his Docs. ow.

3. Mom taken out of ICU tonight. Arguing with Doctors. Much better. Still can't travel to see her but I'll finally be able to talk to her tomorrow, if my voice comes back.

Love to you all, and I know I owe emails, just give me a bit to catch up, k?

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