Dec 07, 2010 13:34
I had an AJ/Daniels dream last night. ://// It's so out of the left field, and it's weird that it is now out of the left field for me to dream about what was once my OTPest of all OTPs. It's a dream that would've made a great fic. Three, four years ago, I would've written it, but not now. Funnily enough, the dream encapsulates exactly that feeling. Because it's canon-ish (ie: in character), AJ is in TNA, Daniels is in ROH. I think AJ is heelish? I don't know if he is right now in TNA though. But anyway, he goes to Daniels' house, seeking Daniels' help, I guess wanting Daniels to come back and help him with Samoa Joe? The threat is unclear, but the point being, AJ goes to Daniels, and there is a bit of a manipulative-ness on AJ's part. Sort of a seduction. A lot of reminiscing about old times, when they tagged, how great they were, how they complemented each other. Background seems to be that they'd gotten involved then as well, but it ended just like how their tag team ended, with AJ walking away. But now AJ sees the error of his ways. The POV is Daniels, and he's very wary of AJ's motives, with a lot of observations on how AJ has changed. Years gone by, age in his face, more scars, etc. But also in the way he acts, more nuanced, with more intentions behind his words and his actions. They have sex, of course. Just like old times. Daniels watches AJ sleep, notes the remnants of whom he used to know. But things have changed. In the morning, AJ asks again for Daniels to join him, and Daniels tells him 'no.'
Yeeeeeeeeeah. IDK what prompted this though, because it's not like I've been tempted into wrestling again in any way. I did catch a glimpse of a TNA ad the other day, and it broke my heart to see AJ fifth-billed amongst 8 guys, only two of whom is homegrown TNA (the other is Joe, btw).
Dammit, now I'm all nostalgic and shit. Meh.
wrestling: it's like alcoholism in a way,
bus down nostalgia street