Nov 22, 2010 15:09

Supernatural, up to 6.08 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

spoilers )

supernatural, criminal minds, legend of the seeker, burn notice

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mswyrr November 23 2010, 01:42:36 UTC
The way they're writing/portraying Jesse really bothers me. More even than the throw away bullshit back in season whatever with the female detective who was trying to play tough with Michael. Remember her?

I HATED that they made me detest a female character that much. I HATED that their attempts to write her as strong made her seem so pathetic and weak and "bitchy."

I want to love Jesse because he represents some freaking diversity in our All-White-Main-Cast Miami show, but... UGH :-/

He was okay when he blew up the bomber, imo. And his storyline has given the writers good reason to explore the morality of Michael's position (the arc of development between Michael and Maddie over everything has been BRILLIANT. From his confessing to her his doubts about shit, to her calling him on what he was doing, to her recent "whatever" speech which BLEW MY MIND). I just... IDK.



*butting in again* one_more_cherry November 23 2010, 09:31:23 UTC
I'm sort of neutral on Det. Paxson, but THIS:

I want to love Jesse because he represents some freaking diversity in our All-White-Main-Cast Miami show, but... UGH :-/I wanted so, so badly to like him when he came on for this reason, among others (I had faith that the writers were smart enough to avoid the pitfalls exhibited by every show that's added a fresh character midrun; oops.). There's SO much they could do with Jesse to set him apart from the pack(have him be a tech guy! Have him be fluent in linguistics that the rest of the gang haven't mastered!), but he's just NOT. The biggest problem the show has with him is that Jesse is Michael with Fiona's rashness and Sam's ladykilling skills, and his existence has resulted in MUCH less Maddie, less Sam, OOC Fi, Sam and Mike and so much character propping. SO much character propping :p ( ... )


angstbunny November 23 2010, 18:34:08 UTC
:///// I liked Paxson. BUT, it's more likely that I like the actress, so I kinda turned a blind eye to the poor writing, because it was rather stilted and awkward and not very good.

Not that every Hispanic person has to be HISPANIC, but they really did miss an opportunity with Jesse. The idea of Jesse is well and good. As you said, good way to challenge Michael's seeming absolute morality and the rightness of his actions. But all of it was done so hamfisted. All of Jesse, in execution, is a wasted opportunity, a wasted storyline.

I remember US Touching Evil. And I remember JDo from it. This was also back when I adored Vera Farmiga. JDo does have a good talent for making the ridic seem believeable.


mswyrr November 26 2010, 10:10:57 UTC
:///// I liked Paxson. BUT, it's more likely that I like the actress, so I kinda turned a blind eye to the poor writing, because it was rather stilted and awkward and not very good.

I wanted her to be as much of a genuine challenge to him as some of the male characters have been, you know? Like Jason Bly. I wanted her position as a representative of law & order to genuinely place Michael's work in question -- you know? And I wanted to really FEEL that these two characters were in conflict, and neither was entirely wrong or right.

Sometimes I'm not sure whether I'm being too nitpicky. Like, maybe I'm judging Paxon too harshly because she's female? But why COULDN'T she have been a female as complex and challenging as Bly?

Why couldn't she have been played by an older actress with some real oomph and just... ((flails hands around wildly in frustration))((sighs))

Not that every Hispanic person has to be HISPANIC, but they really did miss an opportunity with Jesse. The idea of Jesse is well and good. As you said, good way to challenge ( ... )


angstbunny November 26 2010, 18:41:33 UTC
No, it's a good point. Paxson did end up being more of a fluff opposition character than somebody really challenging. Granted, Bly was a fluffy opposition at first, too, and I was hoping Paxson would come back with a vengeance like Bly did, but alas, that didn't happen. Paxson ended up being somebody who affirmed Michael's position rather than challenged it, which... to a certain extent, there is room in the narrative for that, for a person in a position of authority to acknowledge that Michael does good but still dubious of his means, because it's not like she was utterly won over and had hearts in her eyes about him. More like acknowledging that Michael was a form of necessary evil, which isn't anywhere near an endorsement of Michael at all ( ... )


mswyrr November 26 2010, 10:13:19 UTC
...er, not to diss the actor to played Paxson! I would certainly have loved it if she had been able to play a better version of the character.

I just in general like to see older actresses in roles, esp. if the role believably could have a subtext about authority/experience to it.


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