Supernatural, up to 6.08 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
I'm really enjoying Robo!Sam, because I feel like Jared Padalecki is actually trying to act, instead of the off and on phone-in job that he's been doing for the last two seasons. It's also something different, because Sam was becoming fairly self-parodic, which I realize I've said many times, but only because it's true. With that said, I don't like the fact that we're not actually getting Sam. I loved last season's finale because I finally got some fucking SAM, and the brotherhood between Sam and Dean. And now we're getting... not!Sam and Dean. I don't like that they're dragging this shit out for so long, and I certainly am not enjoying the fact that Dean seems so... nonchalant about the fact that Sam's soul is in hell. There doesn't seem to be an urgency, a visceral awareness of that fact. Considering Dean KNOWS what hell is like, and how time passes there, I find it really awkward that Dean seems more concerned about reconciling with Lisa than the fact that his brother's soul is in hell. Granted, it's not like I want yet another rehash of Winchesters doing stupid shit for each other, but then again, that is essentially what the show is.
Remember how Sam was all rabblerabble over Dean's deal? I mean, to the point where it was really annoying, because it was over and over, DEAN YOU'RE GOING TO HELL WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO???? OH THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO. Etc, etc. And then, for all its wrongness, we also saw how messed up Sam got for losing Dean to hell. So where is that now for Dean? Where is the fucking sense of OH SHIT MY BROTHER'S IN HELL? I can certainly appreciate the fact that this Dean is not the same Dean who ran fool head first to the crossroads for Sam, but I don't feel like this is an expression of a character learning from his mistakes. I guess we're supposed to gather the fact that Dean's numbed from a whole year of living a lie, and that's why he's all *shrug* about it, so ehhh. It feels like bad writing, as per usual, than actual characterization.
Burn Notice, up to 4.14 - Hot Property
Is there a petition I can sign to make Jesse go away? I just can't stop bitching about him getting in the way of my enjoying the show. It's like everybody's awesome and everything's awesome, but Jesse is this BIG GAPING HOLE OF SUCK that's leeching away screen time from Sam and Maddie, and everything and everybody grinds to a halt when they're near him. I can't get over how much Coby Bell sucks.
With that said, Jeffrey Donovan needs some motherfucking AWARDS. I was gushing to
one_more_cherry about how much this man's acting rules. I was like, I don't just wanna fuck JDo, I wanna fuck his acting skills. I know his cover characters are often ridic and exaggerated, but honest to god, look at the way he changes his inflections and tone, the way he carries himself, the gait of his walk. Everything about him changes. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh.
Fi is awesome, whenever she's not near Jesse. It's like she loses 10 thousand awesome points, which makes sense, because Jesse is a black hole of suck. But it's like that for everyone. Why does Sam even give a shit about Jesse anyway, but there he was, trying to welcome Jesse back into the fold. It's like the writing equivalent of a crowbar, trying to wedge Jesse in. It's like all those crappy fics where the author inserts an original character into an established dynamic. IT'S EXACTLY LIKE THAT.
I really really hope the Jesse Era ends soon, so I can stop bitching about him.
Criminal Minds
I gave CM a chance to win me back. The fact that JJ's exit episode was done extremely well made me give it probational status. It was a really good FUCK YOU to CBS without fucking the audience over, which is a rare gift, because a lot of the times, writers do fuck their audience over when trying to stick it to their bosses. So I appreciate that. And JJ's closing monologue was eloquent and beautiful. It was a very classy fuck you. So knowing how much the people actually involved with the show hated this decision was a big mitigating factor.
Otherwise though, I feel like the best years of CM have definitely passed it by. There are moments, but they don't gel into a cohesive whole. Bits and pieces of characterization awesome, but nothing binding. One of the things that actually glare at me right now is that CM used to have really diverse Cops of the Week, but it's been steadily White Men*. The exploitation factor has increased, without enough victim agency to offset it. There's also the looming loss of Prentiss, which really won't sit well with me. I love JJ, but I motherfucking LOVE Prentiss, so. Meh.
* I've been wanting to do a track sheet for CotW. I wonder if anybody has done it already.
Legend of the Seeker
I've been wanting to rewatch, but I just can't do it. I get all sad and WHARLGARBL about it. Meh.