(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 12:46

Much thanks for the hugs and well-wishes on my last post. <33333333 I'm getting better, slowly. Seems like we're finally reaching the source of the problem, and the idea of being relatively pain-free is like... overwhelming. As for everything else RL, stuff is going on track. Everything seems to be coming up Milhouse. *knocks wood*

In other news...

Sadly, Poochie is really killing my desire to watch Burn Notice. That's what I'm calling Jesse now, because he's totally Poochie. I tried, but he's fucking annoying. Missy said it best: he's a child on a show about adults. I wish Amaury Nolasco were playing Jesse, then he'd be about 200 times hotter and 1000 times more sympathetic. And don't think he can't play lethal and dangerous just because he was such a puppy on Prison Break. He played a very convincing scary in Max Payne, and yes, I realize the lolarity of citing Max Payne the movie as a cred toward somebody's acting ability. MY POINT IS STILL TRUE.

I'm not even sure I want to look forward to White Collar returning when Burn Notice has been, well, burning me so far with Poochie. BN has always been so reliable that I'm kinda taken aback by how much I do not care that I'm two eps behind. Or is it three now?

TV just seems to be massively disappointing me. I caught the four new eps of Leverage, and while it's not like I didn't enjoy it (to a certain extent), my criticism about last season still holds. Actually, it's gotten worse. The believability factor is not just out the window, it's in outer space. Nate, though, is at least more interesting again. He dragged last season, though it was a narrative necessity. I like seeing him embrace his inner asshole. I'm happy to see Gina Bellman back, and so far, they haven't shoved TOO much Nate/Sophie down our throats. Actually, I'm getting such strong Sophie/Eliot vibes again. They were ridic early last season, and they're having a lot of sparks again. I'm all sorts of LOL at the thought of Sophie NLP-ing Eliot for sexy purposes, hahaha. Ahem.

I still haven't caught up on 2394872943 other shows. 24. NCIS:LA. Justified. The Mentalist. Medium. I actually haven't even seen the season finale of Criminal Minds. But god, I'm still really. really. REALLY. pissed over the casting news there. I'm not sure I want to watch it. I'm not sure I care when it comes back in the fall either.

I think I'm still burning over Legend of the Seeker. T__________________________T I've bitched enough about that, so I'll leave it at that.

tv, legend of the seeker, leverage, burn notice

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