I am back! Trip was all right. No Damian Lewis, sadly. But it was nice just to experience a touch of L.A. even if we never really went anywhere and mmmmm sunshine.
Onto more important things, like TV!!!
Heroes = The Fanservice Hour. It's like Kring took lessons from Kripke. I'm watching it for the LULZ now. I feel like I should've watched the show like that from the start, like I did with Supernatural, but I was misled into thinking that this show was gonna have some substance and actual storytelling. I think Kring did, too, but apparently we've all seen the light. Fanservice and crack. And I'm totally cool with that. I got some serious LULZ out of last night's episode, man.
- lol definition, okay I love definitions. Heller, you've got me there.
- CRAP TITLES. Much as I love Simon Baker looking at me and smiling, that's CRAP TITLES. Reeks of cheap. Even New Amsterdam shelled out for shiny titles.
- please don't make Patrick SUPER MAGICALLY SMRT because that's why I stopped watching Criminal Intent. Goren got SUPER FUCKING ANNOYING, and Patrick is already kinda halfway there.
- LOL HYPNOSIS. I guess that's something we never seen before
- pls have Cho be awesome. He has potential for awesome
- Flying tackle Lisbon is GREAT. It's nice to see her doing SOMETHING. You know, other than disbelieving Patrick and eyerolling at him.
- Holy shit, there's a hot girl in Van Pelt. wtf.
- Are they gonna get into the fact that Patrick keeps getting suspects killed? Because I hope it's a deliberate thing and not a stupid thing. The same arrogance that got his family killed is STILL FUCKING THERE. This better be a running theme, somebody better call Patrick on it soon, because yeah. I can deal with that being a character flaw if it's a legit flaw and not stupid writing, because yeah, that's three suspects dead now. And we've only had TWO episodes. I'm gonna start a count.
I'm really torn about The Mentalist. On one hand, I love having weekly Simon Baker. He's fabulous in it, and the show apparently debut very strongly. Conversely, I'm getting kinda exasperated here. Patrick is seriously embodying all the things I got to hating with the whole Maverick Genius Cop trope. The arrogance, the improbable level of observation and awareness, the flagrant disregard for authority, and being disgustingly RIGHT. And it bugs me as a matter of principles that this show is doing well. Don't get me wrong, I want a Simon Baker show to succeed, so I'm happy, but at the same time, meh. I'd rather have Smith than The Mentalist.