Ok so thursday night after class I run to the GW to meet Misha and borrow her white button-down shirt for my Ron crossplay then run back and talk to Joey Caveliri about thanksgiving and how change is bad in order to pick up my gloves which i left behind. I dashed back to Gramercy to meet Matt so he could leave his stuff in my dorm room and not have to have it in the theater and so that I can shower and dress as Ron. We booked it to the Borders next to the theater to meet Jess and get tickets. Paul and his crew saw me aproach and Paul burst out into a version of himself I don't find familiar fawning with, " Oh my God, that's Soooooo Cute" and whipping out is camera which brought him back into familiar territory. While waiting in line Hilary, Misha and I run over to a noodle place across the street and while the two of them get a curry noodle thing I get noodles and veg dumplings which we sneak into the theater rediculously easy. Misha and I sneak into the front of the line for the theater and grab seats when the rush goes inside. Misha and friends sit in the front row, Hilary, Alice, Matt, Ali, Jo and Vince sit in the middle row, I get about dead center. Paul, Casey and Eric sit higher up. WE joke around for the hour before the movie starts. I'm too hyper to care about making a total fool of myself. Ali and I bicker like kids in from of Misha and then I run around from group to group doing odd things. Misha and Hilary's noodles turn out tasting like ass, so Misha eats gummy bears from her satchel and when I return from talking to Misha in the front row I find that hilary has stolen the rest of my noodles, having forgotten about my mono. (oh an hilary brought her HP glasses our for the occassion at our request.
The movie itself was amazing and everytime something funny happened to Ron, Alice would poke me with her elbow and we'd exchange a chuckle. I won't go into any detail because I WILL be killed.
After the movie we went to Lyric for food. I got hot cocoa and Vince and I shared fries and everyone elses leftovers while Paul and I debated the movie and Matt made improper comments. After food most people went home and I got Matt his stuff and meet up with Kaitlin, Jess, and Vince in the GW solarium and Jess and I talked philosphy of all sorts until about 7:30ish after a silly photo shoot and while she did a portrait of me for her pastel class. I slept for an hour on the couches that Kaitlin and Vince had made their beds and then woke up thanks to Jess and spent a half hour waking up Vince for class at 9. I wandered down to the 15th floor to surprise Misha and ask her out to breakfast and when I got there she openned her door and we sat in her room talking for an hour while she let me get to see her stop animation work, which was pretty cool. I really liked her crazy spaztic one about dancing robots and the other one was odd but still really neat. I want to see what she's currently working on ( i got to hold one of her puppets, a robot girl, which was pretty neat) I couldn't imagine how annoying it must be to be an animator, so much work for so little, like hours to get a few seconds of movement. We finally got somewhat awake enough to mosey over to Pick a Bagle and had the most buttered bagels in the world and talked some more about thinks like not pidgin-holing onself to a group of friends of one type of people.
AFter eating we both went back to our own dorms to sleep. I slept til 7:45 and missed cartoon allies ( I was insanley pissed off at myself for doing so, but i've been excused because it was Harry Potter that PWNed me... as well as getting a stomach ache, possibly from the bagle). I went to Anime club and hung out with Paul and Caroline for a while. Caroline and I found a romance novel with a Caroline Ritter at Walgreens. Then I went home and thought up a story for Jansen for next semester including the cowboy code and people riding giant dogs and then bed happened.
On saturday I woke up around 3ish didn't do much. Cooked Jess and myself burgers and talked about apartments and other oddities like the bag of cookies someone left at her door that were eaten and who left them and why. Casey called and I got excited cause I hadn't heard from her in a while, apparently somone smelled like me, lol. Casey's signal dropped out as they were on their way to a protest.
I showed Jess the Bat I wanted to adopt from batworld, Binky, who happens to be a gay fruit bat and i find that hilarious. Then we spotted a new adoptee, Mini-me who may or maynot be a lesbian Fruitbat. She's still a baby, so her clinging to Cleobatra might just be her longing for a mother figure. We'll see how things go, but she's still so tiny and cute! Adopting one is only $35.
After Jess left I called back casey and wished her luck on the protest.
I went online for a while and found apartment listings with no fees. Tomorrow I hope they'll be open so I can go down and talk to them about their apartments. Then I went over to see Caroline and get the Watchman from her and a CD to burn files for Paul. WE ended up going to the grocery store together and talking about opening a 24hour comic shop across from the school when we graduate. AFter checking out the abandoned synogoge on 23rd and 3rd we walked around and ended up at 7-eleven where I bought a slurpee and a Roy Rodgers DVD that was $1. We waltzed right into the GW (after caroline went back to pick up her computer and drop off food) and meet Jess to go watch the western in the Solarium on the big-screen TV. Calamity Jane ended up being the best character and then we watched a random popeye cartoon that was on the DVD on Caroline's mac since the DVD remote didn't work. The cartoon made no sense... It combined every damn fairytale ever and though set in the middle ages had modern thing in it like well... CARS. OMG it was so rediculous. Then Jess went to bed and Caroline and I stayed to chat about ghosts before heading back to our own dorms.
Maybe tomorrow I'll get some work done...