Bingo: X or +

Jul 21, 2011 14:38

Author: telaryn

Fandoms: Leverage, BTVS, Supernatural

Card: Here.

Angst: Sex Pollen, Lost, Wild Card: Unexpected Consequences, Roofied, Asphyxiation, Sexual Abuse, Psychotic Break, Stockholm Syndrome, Threesomes

Title: Whatever You Have To Do

Prompt: Sex Pollen

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/SPN, Dean, Eliot

Medium: Fic

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Drugs, dub-con, masturbation

Summary: Captured while on a hunt together, Dean and Eliot are drugged and locked up together to ride out the effects.

Title: A Bad Idea

Prompt: Roofied

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/SPN, Eliot/Ellen

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Discussion of an assault with roofies

Summary: Following a non-supernatural assault on Jo, Eliot realizes that his feelings for the Harvelle women are deeper than he ever intended.

Title: This Is The Way The World Ends

Prompt: Psychotic Break

Fandom/Pairing: BTVS/Leverage, Faith/Eliot, Team

Medium: Fic

Rating: R

Warnings: Death-fic, offscreen death of a major canon character.

Summary: Following Nate's death, Eliot must stop Faith from a suicide mission of revenge.

Title: Just Breathe

Prompt: Asphyxiation

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/SPN, Eliot/Ellen, Jo, Sam, Dean

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG

Warnings: Non-fatal drownings (x2)

Summary: Sam and Dean are on hand to help with the rescue when Eliot and Jo run afoul of a rogue undine. It's the boys first exposure to how things have changed in the Harvelle house since Eliot came into their lives.

Title: Seeing it Right

Prompt: Stockholm Syndrome

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage, Team

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Hospital setting, mental health issues

Summary: Payback has struck the Leverage team, and it falls to Nate to make it right.

Title: Common Paths

Prompt: Threesomes

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/BTVS, Team, Maggie, Faith

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Summary: When Sophie, Maggie and Faith are kidnapped, Nate realizes he and Eliot have more in common than either of them previously realized.

Title: Links to the Past

Prompt: Sexual Abuse

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage, Nate, Parker

Medium: Fic

Rating: R

Warnings: Discussion of childhood sexual abuse.

Summary: As the team tries to nurse Sophie through the aftermath of a sexual assault, Parker realizes she and Nate have something unexpected in common.

Title: Uncomfortable Truths

Prompt: Lost

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/SPN, Eliot/Ellen

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG

Warnings: None, really.

Summary: Eliot's past has found him again, but he realizes that he's tied himself to Ellen more deeply than he would have ever imagined possible.

Title: Just Another Tool In The Arsenal

Prompt: Wild Card: Unexpected Consequences

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage, Nate/Sophie

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None, really.

Summary: Sophie confronts Nate with the truth of what happened in the warehouse.

prompt: sex pollen, round: 2, medium: fanfiction, prompt: sexual abuse, prompt: lost, rating: all ages, rating: mature, prompt: asphyxiation, prompt: threesomes, prompt: psychotic break, prompt: roofied, rating: adults only, prompt: stockholm syndrome, rating: teen, bingo: x or +, prompt: unexpected consequences

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