Bingo : Blackout

Jul 24, 2011 19:00

Author: skargasm

Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series

Card: Bingo Card at spikecentric

Angst: Sleeping arrangements, Jealousy, Fear of Being Alone, Execution, Military Deployment, Supernatural: Poisoning & Weaknesses, Heat, Sex Pollen, Scars, Ageing, Seduction, Strippers, Wild Card: Kidnapping, Electrocution, Haunting, Supernatural: Weres & Shapeshifters, Accidents, Unexpected Consequences, Restraints, Aphrodisiac, Pining/Unrequited Love, Crucifixion, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Unable to Perform, Plane Crash

Could I have some assistance with the tagging please?? The following don't seem to be there or I'm losing my marbles!

* prompt: aphrodisiacs
* prompt : don't ask, don't tell
* prompt: fear of being alone - should I just use fear?
* prompt: plane crash

Title: First submission: Speak No Evil - Part One
Prompt: Unexpected Consequences
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander/Angel
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Sunnydale is gone; so is Wolfram & Hart. Angel has the visions and Spike helps the helpless. And what could be more helpless than a mouthy Scooby who doesn't talk and seems to no longer be himself...

Title: Second submission: Speak No Evil - Part Two
Prompt: Sleeping Arrangements
Fandom/Pairing: list fandom and pairing (if any)
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Third submission: AllConsuming Manifestation
Prompt: Supernatural : Weres & Shapeshifters
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Fourth submission: AllConsuming Need
Prompt: Heat
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Fifth submission: AllConsuming Intoxication
Prompt: Jealousy
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Sixth submission: AllConsuming Rage
Prompt: Pining/Unrequited Love
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Seventh submission: AllConsuming Darkness
Prompt: Aphrodisiac
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and a Xander half possessed by the hyena in a series of smutty fics - well deserving of it's NC17 rating!!

Title: Eighth submission: A Refuge for Loyal Hearts
Prompt: Fear of Being Alone
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: The stories of a Scooby and a Souled Vampire looking after a household of Slayers......

Title:Ninth submission: Arresting Misconceptions
Prompt: Execution
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.

Title: Tenth submission: Spike & the Harris Boy
Prompt: Supernatural Poisonings & Weaknesses
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike and Xander have been running A.I. Sunnydale and business is brisk since they re-soulled Angel and stopped the Hellmouth from opening. But their latest case may just be too big for them, especially since it has the potential to part them forever before Xander can make the life-changing decision that Spike is waiting on. Somebody is poisoning demons with a virus that is called 'The Slayer's Kiss' because of how deadly it is. Not such a bad thing except it doesn't differentiate between good and bad demons. Suddenly the Scoobies and the Fang Gang are faced with losing members of their family they're not ready to lose....

Title:Eleventh submission: Arresting Misconceptions
Prompt: Sex Pollen
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.

Title: Twelfth submission: Werewolf Love, Vampire Loyalty
Prompt: Scars
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Both scarred by infidelity, a surprising couple find that they match in their desire for love and loyalty...

Title: Thirteenth submission: Whatever He Wants
Prompt: Ageing
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: non con - Original!Spike/Slave!Xander
Summary: Captured by Spike, Xander finds himself a prisoner with no choice but to do whatever Spike wants. How long will he survive as the sex slave to a Master Vamp?

Title: Fourteenth submission: Arresting Misconceptions
Prompt: Seduction
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.

Title: Fifteenth submission: Whatever He Wants
Prompt: Wild Card: Kidnapping
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: non con - Original!Spike/Slave!Xander
Summary: Captured by Spike, Xander finds himself a prisoner with no choice but to do whatever Spike wants. How long will he survive as the sex slave to a Master Vamp?

Title: Sixteenth submission: Shock Me
Prompt: Electrocution
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: An idea to get rid of the chip but at what risk?

Title: Seventeenth submission: Speak No Evil
Prompt: Haunting
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander/Angel
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Sunnydale is gone; so is Wolfram & Hart. Angel has the visions and Spike helps the helpless. And what could be more helpless than a mouthy Scooby who doesn't talk and seems to no longer be himself...

Title: Eighteenth submission: Arresting Misconceptions
Prompt: Accident
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.

Title: Nineteenth submission: Whatever He Wants
Prompt: Restraints
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: non-con - Original!Spike/slave!Xander
Summary: Captured by Spike, Xander finds himself a prisoner with no choice but to do whatever Spike wants. How long will he survive as the sex slave to a Master Vamp?

Title: Twentieth submission: Cross to Bear
Prompt: Crucifixion
Fandom/Pairing: Angel/Spike
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Summary: nekid_spike Fic Exchange - a hurt/comfort fic requested by fenderlove : I don't want any torture or non-con or Spike being called any pejoratives for a prostitute. Things I would like to see- comfort without too much hurt (or at least the boys not having caused the hurt to one another), sensualness, and possible adorableness. - a tortured Spike discovers he has family & friends who care for him....

Title: Twenty first submission: Arresting Misconceptions
Prompt: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander Harris is blackmailed into selling drugs at his High School. William Jeffers is the undercover detective sent in to crack the drug-ring and bring the culprits to justice. Despite abhorring what they believe the other is involved in, they cannot deny or fight the attraction that builds between them.

Title: Twenty second submission: Vet or Dr?
Prompt: Unable to Perform
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Xander's fragility affects Spike adversely.....

Title: Twenty third submission: Model of Survival
Prompt: Plane Crash
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Spike is a model flying away for a break, with Xander as the flight attendant that catches his eye before their plane goes down.....

Title: Twenty fourth submission: BARE
Prompt: Strippers
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Oz
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: Songfic - it had been hard to understand his jealousy......

Title: Twenty fifth submission: No Price Too High?
Prompt: Military Deployment
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Xander, Xander/Riley
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: Dubious consent, character death
Summary: Is there ever too high a price to pay for love?

prompt: restraints, prompt: supernatural - weres/shapeshifte, prompt: sex pollen, prompt: execution, prompt: accidents, prompt: unable to perform, prompt: seduction, round: 2, prompt: aphrodesiacs, prompt: scars, medium: fanfiction, prompt: aging, prompt: plane crash, prompt: heat, prompt: don't ask don't tell, rating: mature, prompt: jealousy, prompt: fear of being alone, prompt: haunting, prompt: kidnapping, prompt: electrocution, bingo: blackout, prompt: strippers, prompt: crucifixion, prompt: sleeping arrangements, prompt: pining/unrequited love, prompt: supernatural - poisoning/weaknes, prompt: unexpected consequences, prompt: military deployment

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