Oct 15, 2006 03:55
Well, I discovered earlier this week that my car had mysteriously acquired a flat tire. Since the valve cap was loose, I figured that maybe air had just been leaking out of it, but after I'd filled it with air again, I came back later to see that the tire was flat again. *grumbles* Because I have the time to deal with this, right.
Just as I'd gotten tired of having things fail on me, however, my laptop's hard drive decided to die. Of course, it took me a few Blue Screens of Death to figure that out -- and I had no idea that hard drives are so fickle!! -- but now, I have to figure out how to back everything up before it completely stops working. I should also probably work on dealing with my irritation/anger/rage at everything that's screwed up lately, but, well, what can you do. *'splodey*
So, all this to say that I'll probably be MIA until everything gets sorted out. {{hugs}} for all, and take care!
(And yes, I did lose my first draft of this post and am thus SO BEYOND FRUSTRATED right now. The one time that the LJ update page has to load without its draft-autosave, honestly.)
life of pam