Losing Sheila was a horrible, amazing thing that happened to Bonnie. When she lost Sheila, she lost protection, she lost a fountain of knowledge, she lost a foundation, she lost a safety net, she lost boundaries. Bonnie has her boundaries for sure, but we know they’ve gotten murkier and murkier. Not only that, but the boundaries that Bonnie has made for herself aren’t as strict as the boundaries Sheila would’ve placed on her, and we know this from the time Sheila warned her to stay out of vampire business in 3×07; we know this from when Abby wondered what Sheila would think about Bonnie being in the middle of vamp business in 3×15 and Bonnie responded that Sheila was probably screaming from the other side, and, most recent, we know this from Sheila literally placing a boundary on Bonnie in 4×01 when she cut her off from Elena and told her that the girl wasn’t her problem to solve.
Find out what my favorite non-magical moment is