(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 08:44

so on my way to drop kayli off at jesse's for the weekend, i came across this on the side of the road:

at the time there was no one at the scene so it must have just happened.. i watched as 2 cars just drove on by like they didnt care, but i stopped and ran over with my cell phone to see if everone was all right. the girl that was in the red car was yelling for me to get help, and the people in the blue car said they were ok but the man on the passager side was really shaken up.
i immediately called 911, and stayed with the lady in the red car because she was going in and out of conciousness (or so it seemed to me)and now this morning as i read it in the paper i find out that there was also a dog in the red car that i had no idea about.

all day that accident was running through my head and now i am at peace because i know that they are all ok. and also what ran through my mind was those selfish assholes that kept driving on by.. i sure hope if i was in a really bad accident and it was apparent that no one had found me yet that someone would stop.

now i have to get ready for my friends baby shower. since the money situation is pretty much non existent right now, im just giving her a bunch of hand-me-downs. i hope i dont look like a scumbag for doing so..
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