Nov 23, 2006 00:00
Wow, its been more than a year since ive last used this thing.
Time is a funny thing; it changes some things so radically that theyre not even recognizable anymore, yet others it leaves untouched, a constant reminder of a constant past. Time has neither blessed nor cursed me with consistancy. Ive grown, just like every other human being on earth, a year passes and i add another years experiences and wisdom to my catalog. And yet i cant help but feel that nothing is even remotely the same, no one i know is the same person they were a year ago, and i dont think i, or anyone else will be the same a year from now.
But a year really isnt that long is it? Its only 365 days. 8670 hours. 525600 minutes. 31536000 seconds. Its odd to think that in the next 31535910 seconds (a year since you started reading this), that your life, my life, and every life youve ever come in contact with could be so dramatically different that people are not even considered the same. A year is not a long time, especially measured by the tape of human existance. The average peroson lives about 80 years, thats only 2522880000 seconds, and youve already spent a few precious seconds reading about how few seconds you have to spend.
Our lives are not long, it follows logically from the fact that a year is not long and that 80 is not an especially large number. There are of course those that would argue that it is, but i will prove to you now that it isnt with one simple comparison, are you ready?
That number is read as: five hundred quadrillion six hundred and seventy four trillion three hundred and thirty four billion three hundred and fifty four million seven hundred and eighty nine thousand nine hundred and eight. That my friends is a big number, that is also the number of drops of water that scientists estimate there are in the oceans that cover this earth. What would happen if you added 80 drops to that? Would NYC be flooded? Would Mt Everest be an island? The answer is simple; no. Nothing would happen if you added 80 drops to that, likewise nothing would happen if you were to remove 80 drops of water from the ocean. Old people would not be driving on busses to take pictures of the Mariana trench with their disposable cameras. 80 is not a large number, not in drops, not in years. Life is not long.
Yet in light of that fact, people squander precious minutes doing everything but living. Sure it could be argued that people should be left to do what they will with what they have, but these are my seconds damnit, and im doing with them as i see fit. People the world over go through life on auto-pilot, never knowing what its like to be scared, or what its like to love and hate, or realizing just how small, just how big they really are. The vast majority of the world is asleep. Ignorantly unaware of life in all its beautiful brevity, and i for one think the world needs to wake up...
But i digress, ive let my mind wander and im sure half of those who started reading have by this point abandoned all hope of objective wisdom. But fear not, im back on track and ready to continue.
Over the course of a year, one short year, the world has changed. Millions of people have left this world, some in the blink of an eye, some slowly fading from this existance. And yet many more people have joined us here on earth, to embrace the time given us. Some people will embrace it with open arms, smiling and laughing all the way, others will accept it as an inevitability and simply plod along occasionally recognizing time's equal pace, and still others will fight to the bitter end, refusing time and all it brings. But time marches on they say, irregardless of life and death, war, peace, apples and oranges. Time is independent and there is nothing you can do about it.
I dont remember where i was living a year ago from today. I wandered frantically through life searching for my next second, never realizing that one had just passed me by. Something happend to me though in the last 31536000 seconds. I dont know what it was or when it happend, i dont really even know that it was anything at all, it could have been that ive always been this way and never knew it, but im different. Whatever happend or didnt, i now love my seconds and hold each one precious. My life and my time are together, in sync, working together to further that which is me, and whether you like it or not, yours are too. A year from now you will be different, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Embrace life, embrace time and embrace yourself. You are growing and you will never ever stop growing. Its a wonderful thing if you let it be. Take life in stride. Time is steady, time is measurable, and time is not on anyones side, but you can be on times side.