Today FUCKING SUCKED. There was a blizzard that caused me to take 2 HOURS getting home, where I found that the dog had somehow broken into my (barricaded) room and had an accident there, and I burned my pizza, and my desk chair fell apart, and we got several messages from my cousin, who would realistically only be calling us if my grandma was either dead or dying (my mom refuses to call back until tomorrow, since today sucked enough). Since my life sucks IN GENERAL anyhow, I just feel full of impotent rage today. And I thought I'd tell you all about it so you could feel crappy too! I'M LIKE A FUN MAGNET!!
As usual, my escape when depressed/miserable is fandom! Whee. But thank god for escapism, or a lot more people would probably just be dead under a train somewhere.
I have nothing much to say today. We got a dog (I was shocked too, more about this later). Puu and I beat Silent Hill 1 (bad ending... we'll go for Good+ sometime later, perhaps this weekend) and I started Silent Hill 2. I'm currently in the second apartment buildings that you enter through the window, where I have just run into Pyramidhead in a room where the stairs down were blocked by some extremely gross water, and he tried to hit me with his buster sword. (Hopefully that gives anyone who cares an idea where I am.) Also, sometime I really need to review Jojo parts 2 and 3, because when I wrote about the weird freaky
entertainment value of part 1, I did not realize that all the other Jojo story arcs are a billion times freakier and more, well, bizarre, than the first one. XD However I really cannot harden my wang enough tonight to write anything much about these topics, so I'll do the game and manga blogs later.
BTW, as far as I know our plan for this weekend is to celebrate the birth of the black-clothed yet non-ninjalike
jokersama by having a nice dinner at that pillar Italian place (I can't remember the name of it, bite me) and wasting our youth doing karaoke! I think this will probably occur Friday evening so uh, plans for the rest of the weekend may be submitted to the proper authorities.
Today's links are in themed groups, but LOOK AT ALL OF THEM ANYHOW.
Persona 3 Scans In Famitsu I don't think anyone on my flist who would care hasn't heard yet, but, uh, just in case!
Persona 3 Trailer. Ditto the above.
Photographs of screens of the new Jojo Part 1 Movie. JONATHAN! DIO! YOU GUYS LOOK... BEEFY! XD I kind of wished they'd look like the SEXXXAY storyboards from the DVDs. XD This looks a little generically dark and non-fabulous (was the Zeppeli hat too hard to animate? XD), but then, part 1 IS the part that looks most like Berserk/FotNS. It looks like it has some potential to be hot though! Is this the same animation studio as the new Part 3 eps, or someone else? Oh, and apparently there's no Dire or Straits! :( But at least we get Speedwagon.
The sexxxay Jojo Part 1 storyboards from the DVDs. Check out the B&W pics that take up most of the first page of
nemissa's gallery (Nemi, if it's not okay to link, lemme know). The part 2 storyboards are hot too! I'll upload them sometime.
The awesome scans_daily entry someone wrote a while ago for Jojo. In case you want a description and scans from someone less ranty and long-winded than me.
Something I Won On Ebay. One of few bright spots in my life! :D
Shitty-Looking Stolen Silent Hill Movie Footage. As described.
Silent Hill 2 AMV to 'Particle Man'. No, really. And it's good. I giggled.
Silent Hill 1 AMV to 'Burn Victim'. Also amusing if you've played SH1.
Mysteriously, Hollywood Did Not Find Jon Stewart's Jokes About Scientology Funny. Or most of his other jokes. I'm pretty sure the rest of us roffled though. Man, someone NEEDS to post a "Jon Stewart Only" version of the Academy Awards. Hey, I'D watch it again.
Commentary on nerd fashion. I thought it was amusing.
Live-Action Simpsons Opening. And a
high res version. In case you've been living in a cave.
Later. "Thorazine given in your food will stop the headaches..."