I had an entry, and it was great.
but someone called my phone, and, like an idiot, I answered.
wrong number.
so now my entry is gone, even though it was pretty spiffy. bastards.
I did really well on my tests today in P&B though. no tunneling in my muffins! hooray! go me!
I am a dork. I have always been a dork, only now I am a dork in a kitchen, which is terrifying.
I have two quotes of the day for today.
1. "You can lick n' stick almost anything, except a kitten. I tried."
2. "The world tastes better in
muffin form."
PS-I might have a job in october. some guy (who I've heard is cute, but....I don't really go for hair gel and highlights....)in the parking lot offered me a job. hooray.
PPS-I got invited to a halloween party. only I need a new costume, because my one from last year is a little skanky.
my old entry was better. and I woke up with a cold, therefore I'm now planning on going home, taking nyquil, and going to bed.
my parents told me last night for the first time in a long time (....ever?) that they were really proud of me. I think they even meant it.