Happy, happy, Joy, joy...

Mar 11, 2002 00:16

It's been a pretty good week/end. Wednesday, my hockey team managed to shut out the Blackhawks (local team not the NHL team) 7-0. Not sure if they were just all out to lunch, or what. I got an assist (yay!), and *almost* had a goal. I'm tired of this 'almost' stuff. It'll happen. One of these days, it'll happen. Had a hockey practice Friday night, that went rather well.

Saturday, V- went to her competition wearing
this. She was up against 11 other young women in her division. She forgot her programme halfway through, but improvised and managed to get the GOLD MEDAL anyhow. :> And she did it in an Original Sin! yay yay yay! *happy dance* I'm so pleased for her. I saw her at the rink earlier this evening and she showed me her medal. wow. :> I knew she could do it. :> Here's to you, V-!. :>

Got to meet A- an online friend whom I've known for a couple of years now, but haven't had a chance to see in RL before now. What a lovely person. I'm really glad to have finally met you, if you're reading this, A-. :> Thanks for the books and stuff. :>

Went to Caps game yesterday(sunday). Vs. the Edmonton Oilers. Beat the Oilers 4-2. :> Peter Bondra had a hat trick (3 goals) and Dmitri Kristich also scored. A very good game. Met up with some chums at the pub down the street from the arena afterwards, and one of them introduced me to the joyful substance that is Guinness mixed with cider. Yum!

Come home from the game to discover that a skating dress I listed sunday afternoon didn't last 5 hours on ebay. Someone did Buyitnow. Woo! Must throw some more dresses up there as soon as I get back. Hopefully rent won't be a problem this month if stuff like this keeps happening. :>

I'm leaving for Toronto in the morning with Boy. Yay. I'm mostly packed, mostly worried that i"m going to leave something important behind, but it won't be the end of the world or anything.

So, in short, I still have no job, but I've had some nice things happen (and some nice things happen to ppl I care about, which is pretty much just as good). I should get some sleep now. I actually get to drive the bmw tomorrow since Buffalo (first stop before toronto tuesday morning) is a bit much for Boy to do all himself. Rar.
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