Very bland day

Jul 25, 2004 22:22

Which is a good thing, to my mind.

Huzzah for Lance Armstrong! Now let him have the sense to go out on top, and not tempt fate with another Tour de France.

Whipped up @ 2500 words of HotK. Finduilas figures out more. She is getting darn good at intuiting what the real score is. And she does love her guy. This scene is for Julie, the ultimate D&F junkie! :-)

Mostly, today, I did household things. Washed dishes, bought groceries, got cat litter, prepped food for lunches & fast dinners, etc. Nothing very grand, all very soothing.

I'm waiting to see the reception to Barrack Obama at the convention. And, of course, to listen to the Big Dog.

I'm wondering what Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo (in my link list) is going to reveal in the Plame affair & general scandal over the alleged Iraq uranium buying attempts. I think he is going to show that the documents were not just forged, but were forged by the Bush White House (or hired operatives) to justify the war.

They are corrupt, shameless bastards who lie like a rug.

Kerry/Edwards 2004
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